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Veleco Wins – Quality International Trophy

We don’t stay idle and this year managed to claim the Quality International Trophy. Learn more about this by reading this post, and you’d understand even better, how great are the products that we sell across the United Kingdom.

For years now, Veleco company has done everything in its capacity to provide customers with the best possible products. Broad experience and attention to details has finally resulted in international recognition.

With strong position on the market, Veleco electric mobility scooters reach now more and more houses, strengthening the top position. Whole Velobike Team is proud that it can offer those perfect models in the United Kingdom, aiding our customers every single day.

Quality International Trophies

The Quality International Trophies award is not to be taken lightly, as only to very few companies receive them every year. Namely, those who manufacture their product at standards so high that they get such recognition.

Before this kind of trophy gets awarded, a company has to pass a very difficult check. This includes a long list consisting of a team of employed workers, assemblage procedures and so on.

Winning such a rare trophy is a grand achievement, and we are proud that it is our manufacturer that has claimed it. This means that you, as our customer, get only the very best from us.

What does the future hold?

Veleco wouldn’t rest as the more customer feedback we forward them, the more refined their products become.

Nowadays, they are working to expand. As more and more of their mobility scooters show up across Europe, their renown will definitely grow. If you look for a reliable electric mobility scooter, with unmatched quality, the choice is easy.

Why not take a while to browse our shop? You might find something that you’d like to own in the near future. Who knows, maybe the perfect scooter waits right now just for you.

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