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How to use a mobility scooter responsibly?

With ever growing popularity, it is high time to write a post about how to use a mobility scooter responsibly. Here we will list all do’s and don’ts when taking the vehicle for a ride. Let us take you for a spin with this blog post, it will definitely be worth reading!

To start off, we know best the feeling of sitting for the first time on a brand new mobility scooter. This feeling of new freedom and open possibilities is often so much, you just want to speed though the world. Speeding is fine, as long as it’s done with your own safety in mind. Knowing how you use a mobility scooter is the first step and often crucial.

Do’s of using a mobility scooter responsibly

Safety, safety and once again, safety. This is the most important part of everything. When you are first starting to learn the ropes of how to use a mobility scooter, always ensure you are safe. A helmet and a seat belt might seem constricting, but never skip on those, to stay safe.

Safety isn’t the only thing important though. The knowledge of how to operate a vehicle is important, but we believe in experience. Imagine putting on a pair of new shoes. They will feel strange at first, right? Same with the vehicle, when you ride for the first few days, you will get used to it. Don’t rush this process, take your time is what we advise. You have gotten your freedom and it won’t be lost anywhere. There is lots of time to take it step by step until you are 100% sure you know how to use a mobility scooter.

How to not use a mobility scooter?

Obviously we left the best for the last! Hope you are here with us and still reading. Here’s a short list of things that should definitely be avoided:

  • Don’t try to put in a stronger engine – This might seem trivial, but some feel that 8 mph in the UK or 15.5 mph in the EU is not enough. Be advised though, the vehicle is a mobility aid, to help you with mobility problems. The vehicles aren’t designed for a race, and you shouldn’t try to modify them for one.
  • Be mindful of other pedestrians – This is a very important part. If you once again are able to move about, stay mindful of others. Sure, it would be great to show off to others or horn them out of your way, but it would also be impolite. Try to park, move and drive in a way that respects others.
  • Don’t think “I will manage to cross before the red light turns on” – The rush is the cause of most problems even to those without a mobility scooter. Don’t try to race against the clock, it is not worth it and could be dangerous.

What if you don’t know how to use a mobility scooter?

 Seek out help as you aren’t alone. We can help out, your neighbours and caretakers can help out. If that isn’t possible? Get the vehicle to a safe, even ground, away from traffic and try it out. It might seem complicated to use at first, but never forget the most important thing. Those vehicles were designed by Veleco taking into account users of all ages and ability. This means the vehicle is not beyond you, as others use them on a daily basis. It might feel overwhelming at first, but in no time you will learn how to use it and speed to favourite shops and parks. 

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