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6 key benefits of mobility scooters you should know about

Nobody knows – better than the users – what all the advantages of mobility scooters are. Therefore, to answer the question: ‘Why should you buy a mobility scooter?’, we decided to go to the source.

In this article, you will find the most frequently mentioned benefits of mobility scooters by our customers. And to be honest, none of these answers surprise us. We share them to make the decision to buy the first mobility scooter easier for others. Once you know everything that’s best about our mobility scooters, there could be only one decision. And just between us and you – the only right one.

Benefits of mobility scooters – TOP 6

Electric mobility scooters are eco-friendly.

They are powered by the rechargeable batteries. These vehicles don’t emit exhaust fumes and don’t pollute the environment. As the owner of a mobility scooter, you don’t have to go to the petrol station and queue to fill it up with fuel. All you have to do when the battery is low, is plug the scooter into a regular electric socket at your house or garage.

Using the mobility scooter is comfortable.

Our mobility scooters have been designed with the comfort and convenience of their users in mind, while also taking care of their wellbeing. Thanks to comfortable seats in our mobility scooters, their users do not have to stand in queues or look out for an available piece of a bench to rest while wandering. When travelling on a mobility scooter, you can wander, explore and sit at the same time. And this will certainly be appreciated by those with mobility issues and ones who find it painful or generally speaking, uncomfortable to walk or stand for a long time.

Mobility scooters give you your independence back.

This is one of the most frequently mentioned benefits of owning the mobility scooter – to have independence and mobility, back. With electric mobility scooters, elderly or those with mobility issues can get anywhere they want to go. They do not have to worry about not having someone to drive them to a nearby shop or to visit family or friends. With a mobility scooter, they can do it themselves. Without looking at anyone.

Mobility scooters are easy to use.

Even if this is your first time buying a mobility scooter, you have nothing to fear. Firstly, because of the ease of use of the scooter and its simple charging method. Secondly, of the fact that we won’t leave you without instructions on how to use the scooter. Our driver will deliver the scooter to your doorstep and he shall teach you how to turn it on, ride it, charge it and maintain it. Moreover, during the warranty (Extended 3-Year Warranty or one-year warranty) you will have access to full online support. Simply contact us. Our team will answer all your questions and provide scooter-related support when you need it.

You can suit our mobility scooter to your individual needs.

There is a wide selection of mobility scooters in our online shop. Various models, facilities, battery types and colours give you a lot of opportunities to choose the perfect one. Among so many options, it is impossible not to choose a mobility scooter created to suit your needs. The one just for you.

Mobility scooters are legal.

You don’t even need a driving license to legally ride a mobility scooter on roads and pavements. Our mobility scooters are safe vehicles. They do not endanger anyone on the road. They are stable. What’s more, you can’t exceed the speed limit with our electric scooters. But of course, like every road user, also those riding a mobility scooter must exercise caution and follow the general rules of the road.

Want to know the differences between mobility scooter and electric-powered wheelchair? Click here!

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