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Most desired Veleco mobility scooters 2020

Ever wondered what are the most desired Veleco mobility scooters in the UK and European Union? No secrets between our company and all the awesome customers, so here’s the short summary of our 2020. If you didn’t yet get a chance to grab one of these vehicles, it might be high time to do so.

The year 2020 was certainly eventful for many people, both individuals and businesses. Even companies such as ours faced struggles and difficulties along the way. This however, was no excuse to give up, as we are the ones who provide people with their freedom of movement. Certainly during 2020 this was one of the most desired commodities, as many who relied on public transport didn’t want to use that any more. Mobility scooters, which didn’t require a driving licence, became especially high in demand due to this.

2020 Ranking of most wanted

We are proud to say that some models in our store certainly exceeded our expectations. With many changes to our online website and focus on providing the best customer service possible, we have noted traffic of an average 36 thousand people every month. This resulted in many sales, in fact so many, we could barely keep up in the high of summer!

Looking at the statistics, we can say that the first place of most wanted Veleco mobility scooters goes to ZT63, which sold over 4000 vehicles in 2020. We were somewhat surprised about it, but if one looks at the awesome Vespa style retro look, it sure makes sense that this is our customer’s favourite choice.

Second place goes to model FASTER, with over 3500 pieces sold. Guess the reliability of four wheels isn’t to be underestimated. The sense of security this model offers to seniors, especially calms all fears.

The third place is a dark horse in the Most Wanted race. CRISTAL certainly isn’t our newest model and we definitely never expected that over 2000 vehicles will reach the houses of our customers. It is a pleasant surprise that this vehicle is still in very high demand by our clientele.

Thinking about those numbers, we are very much pleased, because each of those means that another person out there enjoys the air outdoors. Living in the four walls can be suffocating and make people unhappy. It is heartwarming to know that we have contributed to people’s happiness out there.

Most desired Veleco mobility scooters – is colour important?

We did show statistics of the whole models, but what about colour? It certainly affected our customer’s decision-making.

Between the three ZT63 models, a big dominance of red one could be seen, as it certainly outdistanced other colours 3 to 1.

In the case of FASTER, this was a very tight race between all red and blue, but ultimately, the blue one took the lead.

CRISTAL silver sold strongest, which certainly was a surprise. The precious colour and highly refined must really be an eye-catcher to many customers.

What have we learned from it? That the colour of 2020 for mobility scooters was certainly the red one.

Do you think we should add red CRISTAL to our store? You can subscribe to our Facebook and comment on it!

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