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Veleco safety features

Safety first – an overview of Veleco safety features

Are you considering purchasing a mobility scooter for a loved one, but find yourself unsure if such a vehicle would be appropriate for them? Before making that all-important decision, you would naturally want to be certain that riding an electric mobility scooter is completely safe, right? Well, you couldn’t have picked a better place to […]

Mobility scooter vs moped

Mobility scooter vs moped – A comprehensive guide for UK riders

Navigating urban areas can be challenging. Especially for those with mobility issues or who want to avoid the hassles of driving a car. Mobility scooters and mopeds are becoming increasingly popular. More people are choosing mobility scooters and mopeds as easy and affordable ways to get around. In this article, we’ll talk about the main […]


Veleco TURRIS – new mobility scooter on offer

Did you think that the launch of electric-powered wheelchairs was the only thing to surprise you at the beginning of this year? If so, we are forced to admit that you were wrong. As you know, we never rest on our laurels, so we are pleased to announce that we are expanding our range of electric mobility scooters. […]

Switching to an electric-powered wheelchair

Switching to an electric-powered wheelchair

Let’s face it; electric-powered wheelchairs have revolutionized the way people with mobility issues get around. Compared to manual wheelchairs, these modern devices offer a wide range of benefits. Let’s find out why should you switch from manual wheelchair to an electric-powered one and what makes it the perfect choice for those who want to improve their quality of life.

electric-powered wheelchairs

Electric-powered wheelchairs – What are the rules?

Recently, we’ve informed on our blog that Class 2 electric-powered wheelchairs are coming to the Veleco product range. This news was received with great enthusiasm by our distributors, which we are very pleased about. Today we have decided to put together some of the key information related to electric wheelchair regulations as they apply to the Great […]

Veleco electric wheelchair

How does power wheelchair work?

New in the product range of Veleco! We know that some of you have been waiting for this day to come. We’ve been doing our best to make sure it has finally arrived. And today we can officially confirm – Veleco power wheelchairs will soon be in the product range of our official distributors! So let’s take a […]

How to look after your mobility scooter in Winter?

Whether you use your mobility scooter in the Winter or store it in the garage during the colder months, there are few rules, every mobility scooter owner should respect. Why, you may ask. Firstly, to make sure it runs fault-free. Secondly, for safety reasons. We’ve put together all important information for you on how to […]

How to care about mobility scooter in autumn?

Your scooter is waiting for you to finally turn it on, but it’s just the beginning of autumn? Do you worry that it won’t be ready for the new season? Do you wonder how to take care of your scooter and still have it ready to drive after the winter? We have some tips for […]

Mobility scooter inspection

Inspections of mobility scooter – what’s worth knowing?

Are you one of those who really want to have everything under control? If so, you probably always remember about the regular inspections of your mobility scooter. And now we can almost see your big eyes. Yes – regular inspections of your mobility scooter should be done every three months. Why is that? How to order the […]

Enclosed moped ADVENA

ADVENA – New fully enclosed electric moped by Veleco

This December Veleco came up with something incredibly attractive. We have designed ADVENA – fully enclosed electric moped which has a lot of modern gadgets and can carry up to three people. These solutions seemed so unique and practical that all Veleco’s distributors wanted to be the first to have a pleasure of having the ADVENA in their […]

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