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Extended 3-Year Warranty

Veleco Extended 3-Year Warranty – is it worth it?

We bet, when you hear ‘extended warranty’, you assume that it’s a red flag. And probably thinking: Why should I get the extended warranty, while I’ve got the basic one, which provides the security for my mobility scooter as well? Of course, good manufacturer gives you free warranty for mobility scooter while you are purchasing it, but there is something more. It turns out that what really matters most in a warranty is its duration. Why?

Just imagine that your basic warranty has ended up a few days ago. And today something unexpected happen with your mobility scooter. You need some professional assistance, don’t you? And obviously the one that don’t cost a lot. In such situation, we’ve got something priceless. Today we want to tell you more about Veleco Extended 3-Year Warranty. And more importantly, we want to show you that the devil is not so black as he is painted.

What is the Extended 3-Year Warranty?

Extended 3-Year Warranty for Veleco mobility scooters is the extended time of care of your scooter (from 12 months which you get for free while purchasing our mobility scooter, to 36 months). It covers the same items as our basic one-year warranty, but your scooter will be in our care for much longer. To find more about Veleco’s warranty terms and conditions, go to our website.

Extended 3-Year Warranty for mobility scooter – why is it worth it?

Extended 3 Year Warranty helps when there is a problem with the scooter. Everyone knows this unexpected situation and twist of fate when without our interference, car just stops working. If the breakdown of mobility scooter isn’t user’s fault – extended warranty will cover the repair costs, and we will make your scooter back to proper working. Isn’t it enough to convince you to the good site of extended warranty? Then you should continue reading.

What will you get by purchasing Extended 3-Year Warranty

Extended 3-Year Warranty provides you more than longer time of protection. What exactly?

  • 3 free additional inspections in 3 years’ time – one per year. In our previous article, Inspections of mobility scooter – what’s worth knowing?, we wrote about what the inspections are and why they should be carried out.
  • Lower starting price of additional inspection. If in a year you will use one free additional inspection and need one more, the starting price of additional inspection will be 59 GBP and not 69 GBP as in one-year warranty.
  • Warranty Certificate, confirming ownership of Extended 3-Year Warranty and entitling to its terms and conditions.

What’s more, the Extended 3-Year Warranty gives you our full basic support such as: unlimited free call-outs under warranty repair, free replacement of parts under warranty, free online support, full access to spare parts and to maintenance videos support.

Is Extended 3-Year warranty compatible with every Veleco scooter?

Extended 3-Year Warranty is compatible with every Veleco mobility scooter. It means that you can’t purchase it while buying or owning one of our mopeds – ADVENA or SAGITTA.

How can I purchase Extended 3-Year Warranty?

You have two ways to do this. First one – if you own Veleco mobility scooter, it will be enough if you contact our distributor from whom you’ve bought the scooter. You can call or send an email with the information that you are willing to buy Extended 3-Year Warranty. Second way – you can do this while buying the mobility scooter online. All you have to do is pick Extended 3-Year Warranty option while your purchase.

Can extended warranty be purchased later?

Of course, it can! You have 3 years from the moment of delivery of your mobility scooter to buy an extended warranty. What’s important, the price of Extended 3-Year Warranty do not change over time. So don’t wait. Take your chance today!

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