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Mobility scooter accessories

If you are looking for a way to personalize your vehicle, you are in the right place! With our mobility scooter accessories, you can fulfill even more needs when using your vehicle. Want a stick holder, rain cover or phone holder? We’ve got it all ready for you to order.

TOP accessories for mobility scooters

The way we see it, you can’t go wrong with mobility scooter accessories. They will either extend the life of your scooter or give it enhanced possibilities. If you move around using walking sticks, a high-quality stick holder will make them easier for you to carry around. Another popular accessory is our secure seat belt, that fits our mobility scooters (except ZT16, ZT63, GRAVIS and TURRIS models). It will guarantee additional security if you feel the need for it. By fitting it in, you can be sure not to fall off and stay safer.

A must-have mobility scooter accessories – rain cover and phone holder

Based on our experience, if you asked us which scooter accessory is a must-have, we would recommend two items. You’ll most likely want a rain cover and waterproof phone holder. The first will keep your vehicle safe from harmful moisture, because it is never a good idea to keep a mobility scooter in the open. You can read more about taking care of your vehicle on our blog. The second accessory can be fitted to any scooter and will be useful, especially if you want to talk safely while driving or use your phone to navigate.